Unpacking A Flake

Basically nix flakes only consist of three top level elements, namely: * description (optional but recommended) * inputs (required for declaring dependencies) * outputs (defines what the flake produces) The description is just a short string, giving users a hint of what the flake is intended for. The inputs on the other hand…

Nix Flake Recipes

There are times you think, why on earth have I only come across this now?! This was me almost two years ago, I had just discovered Nix. Originally looking for an alternative to homebrew, I stumbled across a video titled "Nix as a Homebrew replacement". Intrigued, I watched…

Growing At Home

Thanks to various lock downs this year lots of companies were forced into facing the inevitable "digital transformation" they were putting off for so long... my current client is no exception. We started working from home in March and I haven't had to commute ever since.…

Raspberry Pi 4 USB Networking

Just having installed the latest and greatest version of Ubuntu for Raspberry Pi I realised that most likely my access to the shell from my iPad wouldn't work anymore. The setup I had put together previously and worked fine on Raspberry OS just didn't work anymore.…

BYOT - Bring Your Own Tools

Repetition - time consuming and mind numbing if you have to do something manually. A lot better if you can automate... no argument there. And yet, there is always room for improvement. CI/CD State of the Nation These days we have a plethora of automation and build tools to…

DevOps Your Desktop

So, you got a new developer machine? Whatever the reason; you now have hours of updating, installing and configuring ahead of you... yay... haven't we all been there? There is an easier™️ way and in this post I'll be walking you through how I personally go…

Testing AWS Launch Scripts

Just the other day I had to launch AWS instances and bootstrap them automatically without using tools like knife and chef-server. I still wanted to use chef-solo on the server itself to continue the bootstrapping process, there is only so much you would want to do using a shell script……

Configure Once, Run Anywhere.

Just recently I read a blog post about a combination of technologies and how they work together. One thing that struck me though was that the webapp was configured on build time, meaning the artifact that was produced was only capable of being deployed to the environment it was built…